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Trump Indictments

Professor David Sklansky weighs in on charges against former president Trump in the newly-relaunched Stanford Legal Podcast.

Policy Research Spurs Action

Members of an SLS policy lab presented findings to the Calif. Parole Board from their report that analyzed how female survivors of intimate partner violence were further victimized by the criminal legal system.

Guns and Abusers

Professor Bernadette Meyler was a guest on CBS News to discuss the Supreme Court case that pits the Second Amendment right to bear arms against a law that seeks to protect victims of domestic violence.

AI Potential

Professor Julian Nyarko discusses potential challenges and pitfalls of artificial intelligence.

Bees Are Fish

The buzz around the "Bees are Fish" ruling brought The Daily Show to campus to discuss the work of students in the Environmental Law Clinic.

Upcoming Events

November 28: International Arbitration and Corporate Governance Disputes
(Panel I) – Webinar

November 30: International Arbitration and Corporate Governance Disputes
(Panel II) – In person

December 5: The DOJ’s Recent Policy Announcements and Priorities and Their Implications for Corporations
December 7- 8: 24th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute

Access full event calendar here.

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Law@Stanford is produced bi-monthly by the Office of Communications and Public Relations at Stanford Law School. ©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305