Co-founders of the Stanford Center for Racial Justice, Professor Richard Banks and Diane Chin, on the need to address racial inequality for our democracy to work.
Professor Gregory Ablavsky discusses the first impeachment in the U.S.—that of Senator William Blount of Tennessee in 1790—and the "dark history" of Indigenous dispossession that followed his acquittal.
Daniel Khalessi, JD '22 (BA '13, MS '14), was elected Stanford Law Review president—the first Iranian-American and Muslim to lead the publication. Here, he discusses his priorities.
Alumna Laura Juran, chief counsel at the California Teachers Association, discusses the challenges facing schools and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Center for the Legal Profession co-hosted an event (video here) with the BLSA, Women of Stanford Law, and the Stanford Center for Racial Justice that focused on how to address the scope of racial and gender inequality in the legal profession.