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Suing the Opioid Companies
Michelle Mello
Nora Freeman Engstrom
explain the scope of the opioid problem and discuss the latest cases and legal challenges.
SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Michael McConnell
discusses Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his potential to bring "middle principles" to the Court.
Guns and Public Health
David Studdert
discusses new JAMA research on the health consequences of widely available firearms.
Strengthening Rule of Law
Stanford Law students discuss their work in the Rule of Law Program, applying legal skills to projects that make a difference around the globe, from Rwanda to Afghanistan.
In the News
Stanford Legal
on SiriusXM
Click here
to listen to the latest episodes:
"Dress Codes, Style, and the Law" with guest Richard Thompson Ford
"Eroding Union Rights" with guest
William B. Gould IV
"The Legacy of Justice Anthony Kennedy" with guest Jeff Fisher
View past recordings of
Stanford Legal
episodes on
Stanford Legal
co-hosted by Professors Pamela Karlan and Joseph Bankman, airs Saturdays and Sundays, bi-weekly on SiriusXM Insight 121.
Upcoming Events @ SLS
September 7:
Litigating Patents Effectively
September 17:
Constitution Day with guest Erwin Chemerinsky
September 20:
Condos on Lanai, Private Planes, and Electric Cars
September 25:
Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvouz (LASERs)
September 27:
Federalist Society: Word Limits – Why Textualism Constrains Judges
October 2:
Lunch time talk with Jeff Toobin
October 4:
2018 Bright Award for Environmental Sustainability
October 11:
Lawyers as Leaders: David Sanford
October 15:
Supreme Court Roundup
October 25-28:
Alumni Weekend
Access full event calendar
125th Anniversary
Read "
The Prolific Professor: Lawrence M. Friedman
" published in the spring 2009 issue of
Stanford Lawyer
What stands out to you as a quintessential SLS moment?
Click here
to share your favorite SLS moments, memories, and impressions.
Check out the SLS 125
Law@Stanford is produced bi-monthly by the Office of Communications and Public Relations at Stanford Law School. ©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305
News & Announcements
SLS Media Coverage
Stanford Lawyer